Attic insulation is an investment that pays for itself over time. It helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer and prevents condensation and mould from forming inside your walls and ceiling. But there’s more to attic insulation than just saving money on your energy bills—it also protects your home from outside elements. Here are eight ways attic insulation works its magic:
Attic insulation helps keep the home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
In winter, attic insulation reduces heat loss through the roof by keeping warm air trapped inside your house. This keeps you warmer at night and saves on energy bills by not having to use as much heating fuel to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors.
In summer, attic insulation helps keep out hot air from outside so that it doesn’t get into your attic or living space; this makes it easier for you to stay cool when temperatures rise outside (and makes it less likely that your AC will break down).
Air sealing can make an attic cooler.
Air sealing is a simple way to reduce the amount of energy your home uses. This is because air leaks can result in high energy bills and even lead to problems like mould and mildew. By sealing air leaks, you can keep your attic cooler during the summer months and warmer during the winter months. This can also help prevent moisture buildup in the attic, which could cause damage to your belongings if it’s allowed to persist for too long.
Heat rises, but insulation traps it.
When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that insulation works at all. Heat rises, so why would you want to trap it in your attic? Well, the answer is simple: if you don’t have any insulation in your attic, then the heat from inside your home will rise up into the attic and escape through its vents. This makes sense because we want our homes to be as energy efficient as possible–it costs money when we’re using more electricity or gas than necessary!
If this happens often enough over time (and especially during winter), then eventually those appliances will stop working because they’ve become too cold! That’s why it’s important to keep them warm enough by insulating them properly with materials like fibreglass batting or foam boards made specifically for attics.
Attic insulation is an investment that saves money year after year.
Insulation reduces energy bills by decreasing the amount of heat lost in winter and cooling required in summer. You’ll save on heating and cooling costs, which can add up to hundreds of dollars each year.
Insulation increases the value of your home by reducing noise pollution, improving air quality, and making it easier to live in your home without feeling stuffy. If you plan on selling your house in the future, having attic insulation installed will help sell it faster than one without any insulation at all!
Insulate pipes with the same material as the walls and ceiling.
Spray foam insulation is ideal for insulating pipes because it offers the best R-value (or energy efficiency) of any common insulation material. In fact, it’s possible to achieve an R-value of up to 6 with spray foam! This means that if you were able to apply enough spray foam around each pipe in your home, it would be completely airtight–and therefore very efficient at keeping heat inside during winter months and preventing cool air from entering during summer months.
However, this isn’t always practical or feasible depending on where your pipes are located (you wouldn’t want them covered in thick layers of sticky goo). In these cases, I recommend using fibreglass insulation instead: while not quite as effective as spray foam at providing protection against heat transfer between rooms or spaces within homes/buildings
Don’t use flammable insulation near sources of heat or flame.
Use only fire-resistant insulation. It’s best to purchase only non-flammable materials that are rated by an independent testing agency as being able to withstand exposure to high temperatures without igniting or burning up.
Attic air sealing prevents condensation and mould from forming inside your walls and ceilings.
If you have air conditioning and/or heating equipment in an attic, it’s important to make sure that these openings are properly sealed so that cool air from outside can’t leak into the house when they’re running during summer months – and vice versa during winter months when heat wants to escape out through those same openings! Be sure to seal your ductwork, plumbing, and electrical wires.
Call Local Roofing Companies
Attic insulation is a great way to keep your home comfortable and save money on energy bills. It also protects against mould, pests, and fire hazards. If you need help installing new insulation or repairing damaged areas in your attic, contact one of the most trusted roofing companies in the industry – Canuck Roofing!