Covid-19 Safety Plan Update

Elimination: First Level

There are only three workers in the office most of the time.

Desks are spaced 6ft/2metres or more apart from each other.

No non-essential clients/visitors are allowed in the office.

Crew members can attend the office for short visits and must remain 6ft/2metres away from office personnel.

Safety requirements are posted on the front door to the office.


Engineering Controls: Second Level

Plexiglass barriers are not applicable to this location.


Administrative Controls: Third Level

Maximum Occupancy of the office or warehouse is six (6) people.

High-touch surfaces such as door handles, light switches, taps, toilet, fridge, microwave, kettle, coffee maker, keyboards, phones, desks – to be wiped down daily with a disinfectant wipe by any staff member.

Posters on covering coughs & sneezes and proper hand washing are posted in the washroom.

Crew members are to wear masks when interacting with homeowners, other contractors on jobs in the field.


PPE: Fourth Level

Each employee and crew member have masks and have been informed how to use them properly.

A poster outlining proper mask use is posted in the washroom.

Any essential visitors entering the office are to wear a mask. Masks and hand sanitizer are available on the front reception desk.

Protocol for Ill Employees

Employees are to self-monitor for symptoms of illness daily and call the office and stay home from work if experiencing any of the following symptoms:

* Fever or Chills                                                                 * Cough

* Extreme Fatigue or Tiredness                                    * Headache

* Loss of Sense of Taste or Smell                                  * Body Aches

* Difficulty Breathing                                                       * Sore Throat

* Nausea or Vomiting                                                      * Loss of Appetite

* Diarrhea


Employees who need to stay home but feel well enough to work, may do so by remote means. All applications and website tools are available through an internet connection. In the case of reception being away from the office, the phones can either be answered by the other employees in the office or the phone system can be forwarded to the receptionist, if well enough to work from home.

If an employee is ill with COVID-19, they must notify the office immediately by calling 778-772-1969 or by email to

Canuck Roofing’s owner or administrator will contact all other employees and crew members. A thorough deep cleaning of the office will be immediately performed, either by a cleaning service or administrator and will be closed until such cleaning can be performed.